Let Her Rip (2019)
A woman tries to hold it in.
Multiplane stop motion plastecine animation in Dragonframe.
2D digital animation in Photoshop
Director and Animator: Micky Wozny
Cinematographer: Adam Singodia
Editor: Amy Pettipher
Sound Designer: Ruth Knight
Duration: 1 mins 26 sec
Cell Adore Film Festival 2020
Let Her Rip is a cheeky and cute animated short. Fully using visual storytelling and sound design, Micky Wozny’s short achieves much in a little amount of time.
- Clapper Review
Superbly animated, it is of no exaggeration to champion Let Her Rip as one of the finest short animations of contemporary filmmaking. In fusing both multiplane stop motion (using plasticine) and 2D digitally drawn animation, the result is a skillful animation layered with precision. In this joyful experience, viewers will be bursting…with laughter.
- HCMovieReviews